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FindYourFate  .  06 Dec 2023  .  2 mins read   .   601

For Scorpios it would be an intense period with a host of planetary influences lurking around for the whole of 2024. To start with there would be a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in your 12th house of Libra on the 25th of March. This would be a time to find the right balance between work and play.

This would be followed by a Solar eclipse on the 8th of April in your 7th house of Aries interfering  with your love relationships or marital life.

The Full Moon in your sign for 2024 happens on the 23rd of April when the Sun and the Moon would be in opposition. This would be a good time to get rid of things or relationships that do not serve your life-purpose anymore.

Scorpios are in for yet another season of eclipses with a Partial Lunar Eclipse in their 5th house of Pisces on the 18th of September. With this your love life would be put to greater test.

Venus, the planet of love enters your sign on the 23rd of September, 2024. This would help you to forge some strong connections with your partner/lover after some turbulences met during the current eclipse period.

Your 12th house of Libra hosts the last eclipse for the year, it being an Annular solar eclipse on the 2nd of October. This eclipse advises you to rewind and relax and take a break from the monotony of life.

Then we have Mercury transiting into your sign on the 13th of October. This would shed some  light on the hidden areas of your life.

The highlight for the year would be the Ingress of the luminary, the mighty Sun into your sign on the 22nd of October starting the Scorpio season for the year. This would be quite a fruitful period for you.

There is a New Moon scheduled in your sign on the 1st of November. This day you would be in a dilemma as to whether to care for others or for you.

Your ruler, the fiery planet of Mars turns retrograde on the 6th of December in the sign of Leo. This might make you de-rail for some time. Mars turn direct during the last days of February, 2025.

Jupiter, the great benefic transits through your 7th house of Taurus till the 26th of May, 2024. This would bring about significant changes in your relationships. Then it shifts position to your 8th house of Gemini. This might trigger a relocation or travelling for the Scorpios.

Saturn transits through your 5th house of Pisces in 2024. This would put you in the limelight for the period. It makes you competitive, hence pursue some sports or hobbies for the period.

Uranus travels through your 7th house of Taurus for all of the year ahead. Expect some sudden changes in your relationships during this transit.

Your 5th house of Pisces would also be hosting the outer planet of Neptune along with Saturn for the year. This signifies a heightened period of creativity or spirituality for the Scorpios.

Pluto travels through your 3rd house of Capricorn till the 20th of November, 2024. This brings about profound changes in the way you think and communicate. Then it moves over to your 4th house of Aquarius bringing about deep changes in your domestic life for the better.

You are mysterious as always and would play a secret allure. However, be warned that the planets around still play a more mysterious game than you ever imagined for the year, buckle up for the show.

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